Dziennik kuracjusza – book

A forty-year-old man who suffered a heart attack receives funding from the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) for a stay at sanatorium. Shocked and bewildered by what he experiences, he starts keeping a journal from the very first day. The entries compiled in the book open the golden gates of the Polish sanatorium to the reader. Together with Wojciech Bociański, you will explore the marble-floored undergrounds, pedal hundreds of kilometers in place, immerse your naked body in carbonated manure, and participate in sanatorium karaoke. You will be accompanied by a cast of characters: Czyścioch, Pucia, Sum-Oblech, Corega, Wychudzony w Złotych Oprawkach, Lwica, Major i Krzykacz.

Dziennik kuracjusza offers on-the-spot accounts of those human weaknesses that cannot be cured at the health resort.

Delivery in Poland within 3 working days. Delivery abroad depends on specific terms for a given country.
FORMAT Pocket size
ISBN 978-83-966733-6-7


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About the Author

Wojciech Bociański - a game developer, musician, songwriter, and retro Atari computers enthusiast. He is the creator and organizer of the annual 8-bit game jam "Grawitacja" and the FujiCup competition. Co-author of the experimental book “Robbo. Solucja” (Ha!art, 2018).